![]() | IBM Endpoint Manager Inspectors Reference |
Win: Windows
Lin: Red Hat and SUSE Linux
Sol: SUN Solaris
HPUX: Hewlett-Packard UNIX version
Mac: Apple Macintosh
Ubu: Ubuntu/Debian
WM: Windows Mobile
The version (e.g. Lin:8.1) corresponds to the version of the IEM product (8.1) in which the inspector was introduced in the client on that platform.
The version number is not shown if it is less than 8.0.
These Inspectors retrieve information about Windows Mobile devices, such as smart phones which are being used as BES Clients.
Declaration | Description | Platforms (?) |
phone | Returns a global object corresponding to the Client Windows Mobile phone. | WM |
Declaration | Return type | Description | Platforms (?) |
identifier of <phone> | <string> Plural: identifiers | Returns a string corresponding to the identifier of the specified phone. | WM |
manufacturer of <phone> | <string> Plural: manufacturers | Returns a string corresponding to the manufacturer of the specified phone. | WM |
model of <phone> | <string> Plural: models | Returns a string corresponding to the model of the specified phone. | WM |
operator name of <phone> | <string> Plural: operator names | Returns a string corresponding to the operator name of the specified phone. | WM |
owner address of <phone> | <string> Plural: owner addresses | Returns a string corresponding to the address of the owner of the specified phone. | WM |
owner company of <phone> | <string> Plural: owner companies | Returns a string corresponding to the company name of the owner of the specified phone. | WM |
owner email of <phone> | <string> Plural: owner emails | Returns a string corresponding to the email address of the owner of the specified phone. | WM |
owner name of <phone> | <string> Plural: owner names | Returns a string corresponding to the name of the owner of the specified phone. | WM |
owner notes of <phone> | <string> Plural: owner noteses | Returns a string containing the owner notes of the specified phone. | WM |
phone number of <phone> | <string> Plural: phone numbers | Returns a string containing the phone number of the specified phone. | WM |
rated speed of <phone> | <hertz> Plural: rated speeds | Returns a string corresponding to the rated speed of the specified phone. | WM |
revision of <phone> | <string> Plural: revisions | Returns a string identifying the revision of the specified phone. | WM |
roaming status of <phone> | <string> Plural: roaming statuses | Returns a string identifying the roaming status of the specified phone. | WM |
serial number of <phone> | <string> Plural: serial numbers | Returns a string corresponding to the serial number of the specified phone. | WM |
signal strength of <phone> | <integer> Plural: signal strengths | Returns a string corresponding to the signal strength of the specified phone as a percentage. | WM |
subscriber number of <phone> | <string> Plural: subscriber numbers | Returns a string corresponding to the subscriber number of the specified phone. | WM |
type of <phone> | <string> Plural: types | Returns a string identifying the type of the specified phone. | WM |
Declaration | Description | Platforms (?) |
oma csp | Returns a global object corresponding to the OMA CSP of the Client Windows Mobile device. | WM |
oma csp <( string, string )> | Returns a global object corresponding to the OMA CSP of the Client Windows Mobile device. This version of the Inspector takes two string arguments. Example: value "URL" of oma csp ("BrowseFavorite", "Southridge Video Store") - Returns a URL corresponding to the specified browser favorite site, such as: 'http://www.southridgevideo.com'. | WM |
oma csp <( string, string, string )> | Returns a global object corresponding to the OMA CSP of the Client Windows Mobile device. This version of the Inspector takes three string arguments. Example: value "TAPI_FORWARD_ADDRESS" of oma csp ("Tapi","Busy","Voice") - Returns a string containing the forwarding telephone number for the specified parameters, such as '5551212'. | WM |
oma csp <( string, string, string, string )> | Returns a global object corresponding to the OMA CSP of the Client Windows Mobile device. This version of the Inspector takes four string arguments. | WM |
oma csp <string> | Returns a global object corresponding to the OMA CSP of the Client Windows Mobile device. This version of the Inspector takes a single argument that concatenates the desired parameters. Example: integer "TAPI_BARRING_OUT" of oma csp "Tapi" - Returns an integer corresponding to the value of the chosen parameter. Example: process xml query (construct xml "TAPI_FORWARD_ENABLED" of oma csp "Tapi,Busy,Voice") of oma csp - Processes the given xml query and returns the resulting xml, in this case: <wap-provisioningdoc> <characteristic type="Tapi"> <characteristic type="Busy"> <characteristic type="Voice"> <parm-query name="TAPI_FORWARD_ENABLED"/> </characteristic> </characteristic> </characteristic> </wap-provisioningdoc>. Example: value "TAPI_FORWARD_ADDRESS" of oma csp "Tapi,Busy,Voice" - Returns a string containing the forwarding telephone number for the specified parameters. | WM |
Declaration | Return type | Description | Platforms (?) |
autorun policy of <oma csp> | <integer> Plural: autorun policies | Returns an integer corresponding to the current autorun policy from the SecurityPolicy Configuration Service Provider. 0 indicates that applications are allowed to run automatically from the Multimedia Card when inserted.1 indicates that applications are restricted from autorunning. | WM |
block incoming calls of <oma csp> | <integer> Plural: block incoming callses | Returns an integer corresponding to the current 'block incoming calls' status from the SecurityPolicy Configuration Service Provider. | WM |
block outgoing calls of <oma csp> | <integer> Plural: block outgoing callses | Returns an integer corresponding to the current 'block outgoing calls' status from the SecurityPolicy Configuration Service Provider. | WM |
bluetooth mode of <oma csp> | <integer> Plural: bluetooth modes | Returns an integer corresponding to the current bluetooth mode from the SecurityPolicy Configuration Service Provider. | WM |
bluetooth policy of <oma csp> | <integer> Plural: bluetooth policies | Returns an integer corresponding to the current bluetooth policy from the SecurityPolicy Configuration Service Provider. This setting indicates whether a Bluetooth-enabled device will allow other devices to perform a search on the device. Possible values are:0 blocks other devices from searching. 1 allows other devices to search. | WM |
boolean <string> of <oma csp> | <boolean> Plural: booleans | Returns the result of the specified OMA CSP query as a boolean value. | WM |
call waiting enabled of <oma csp> | <boolean> Plural: call waiting enableds | Returns the current 'call waiting enabled' status (TRUE or FALSE) from the SecurityPolicy Configuration Service Provider. | WM |
construct xml <string> of <oma csp> | <string> Plural: construct xmls | Returns an XML snippet to query an OMA CSP based on the parameters passed in <string>. | WM |
desktop quick connect authentication policy of <oma csp> | <integer> Plural: desktop quick connect authentication policies | Returns the current 'desktop quick connect authentication' policy from the SecurityPolicy Configuration Service Provider. This setting indicates how device authentication will be handled when connecting to the desktop. Possible values are:0 User must authenticate the device upon connection, if the device lock is active.1 If user chooses quick connect, the desktop will uniquely identify the device and allow it to connect without requiring the user to manually unlock it. | WM |
drm security policy of <oma csp> | <integer> Plural: drm security policies | Returns a bit-map integer corresponding to the current Digital Rights Management (DRM) security policy from the SecurityPolicy Configuration Service Provider. The given role bit-map indicates which DRM rights messages will be accepted by the DRM engine. | WM |
encrypt removable storage policy of <oma csp> | <integer> Plural: encrypt removable storage policies | Returns an integer corresponding to the current 'encrypt removable storage' policy from the SecurityPolicy Configuration Service Provider. This setting indicates if the user is allowed to change mobile encryption settings for the removable storage media. Possible values are:0 indicates that the user is not allowed to change the encryption settings.1 indicates that the user can change the encryption settings. This is the default. | WM |
fixed dialing enabled of <oma csp> | <boolean> Plural: fixed dialing enableds | Returns the current 'fixed dialing enabled' setting (TRUE or FALSE) from the SecurityPolicy Configuration Service Provider. | WM |
forward all calls enabled of <oma csp> | <boolean> Plural: forward all calls enableds | Returns the current 'forward all calls enabled' setting (TRUE or FALSE) from the SecurityPolicy Configuration Service Provider. | WM |
forward all calls of <oma csp> | <string> Plural: forward all callses | Returns a string corresponding to the current 'forward all calls' setting from the SecurityPolicy Configuration Service Provider. | WM |
forward all calls timeout of <oma csp> | <integer> Plural: forward all calls timeouts | Returns an integer corresponding to the current 'forward all calls timeout' setting from the SecurityPolicy Configuration Service Provider. | WM |
forward all calls to of <oma csp> | <string> Plural: forward all calls tos | Returns a string corresponding to the current 'forward all calls to' string from the SecurityPolicy Configuration Service Provider. | WM |
forward calls enabled when busy of <oma csp> | <boolean> Plural: forward calls enabled when busys | Returns the current 'forward calls enabled when busy' setting (TRUE or FALSE) from the SecurityPolicy Configuration Service Provider. | WM |
forward calls enabled when no answer of <oma csp> | <boolean> Plural: forward calls enabled when no answers | Returns the current 'forward calls enabled when no answer' setting (TRUE or FALSE) from the SecurityPolicy Configuration Service Provider. | WM |
forward calls enabled when unavailable of <oma csp> | <boolean> Plural: forward calls enabled when unavailables | Returns the current 'forward calls enabled when unavailable' setting (TRUE or FALSE) from the SecurityPolicy Configuration Service Provider. | WM |
forward calls timeout when busy of <oma csp> | <integer> Plural: forward calls timeout when busys | Returns an integer corresponding to the current 'forward calls timeout when busy' setting from the SecurityPolicy Configuration Service Provider. | WM |
forward calls timeout when no answer of <oma csp> | <integer> Plural: forward calls timeout when no answers | Returns an integer corresponding to the current 'forward calls timeout when no answer' setting from the SecurityPolicy Configuration Service Provider. | WM |
forward calls timeout when unavailable of <oma csp> | <integer> Plural: forward calls timeout when unavailables | Returns an integer corresponding to the current 'forward calls timeout when unavailable' setting from the SecurityPolicy Configuration Service Provider. | WM |
forward calls to when busy of <oma csp> | <string> Plural: forward calls to when busys | Returns a string corresponding to the current 'forward calls to when busy' setting from the SecurityPolicy Configuration Service Provider. | WM |
forward calls to when no answer of <oma csp> | <string> Plural: forward calls to when no answers | Returns a string corresponding to the current 'forward calls to when no answer' setting from the SecurityPolicy Configuration Service Provider. | WM |
forward calls to when unavailable of <oma csp> | <string> Plural: forward calls to when unavailables | Returns a string corresponding to the current 'forward calls to when unavailable' setting from the SecurityPolicy Configuration Service Provider. | WM |
forward calls when busy of <oma csp> | <string> Plural: forward calls when busys | Returns a string corresponding to the current 'forward calls when busy' setting from the SecurityPolicy Configuration Service Provider. | WM |
forward calls when no answer of <oma csp> | <string> Plural: forward calls when no answers | Returns a string corresponding to the current 'forward calls when no answer' setting from the SecurityPolicy Configuration Service Provider. | WM |
forward calls when unavailable of <oma csp> | <string> Plural: forward calls when unavailables | Returns a string corresponding to the current 'forward calls when unavailable' setting from the SecurityPolicy Configuration Service Provider. | WM |
grant manager policy of <oma csp> | <integer> Plural: grant manager policies | Returns an integer bit-mask corresponding to the current 'grant manager' policy from the SecurityPolicy Configuration Service Provider. This setting grants the system administrative privileges held by the role manager to other security roles, without modifying metabase role assignments. The bit-mask describes which roles are granted system administrative privileges. | WM |
grant user authenticated policy of <oma csp> | <integer> Plural: grant user authenticated policies | Returns an integer bit-mask corresponding to the current 'grant user authenticated' policy from the SecurityPolicy Configuration Service Provider. This setting grants privileges held by the User Authenticated role to other security roles without modifying metabase role assignments. The bit-mask describes which roles are granted system administrative privileges. | WM |
html message policy of <oma csp> | <integer> Plural: html message policies | Returns an integer corresponding to the current 'html message' policy from the SecurityPolicy Configuration Service Provider. This setting specifies whether message transports will allow HTML messages.0 indicates that HTML messages are not allowed.1 indicates that HTML messages are allowed. | WM |
integer <string> of <oma csp> | <integer> Plural: integers | Returns the result of the specified OMA CSP query as an integer value. | WM |
message authentication retry number policy of <oma csp> | <integer> Plural: message authentication retry number policies | Returns a one-byte integer corresponding to the current 'message authentication retry number' policy from the SecurityPolicy Configuration Service Provider. This indicates the maximum number of times the user is allowed to try authenticating a Wireless Application Protocol (WAP) PIN-signed message. The default value is 3 for WM. Possible values are 1 through 256. | WM |
message encryption negotiation policy of <oma csp> | <integer> Plural: message encryption negotiation policies | Returns an integer corresponding to the current 'message encryption negotiation' policy from the SecurityPolicy Configuration Service Provider. This setting indicates whether the Inbox application can negotiate the encryption algorithm in the case that a recipient's certificate doesn't support the specified encryption algorithm. Possible values are:0 doesn't allow negotiation.1 allows negotiation to a strong algorithm.2 allows negotiation to any algorithm. | WM |
network pin prompt policy of <oma csp> | <integer> Plural: network pin prompt policies | Returns an integer corresponding to the current 'network personal identification number (PIN) prompt' policy from the SecurityPolicy Configuration Service Provider. This setting is used when an over-the-air (OTA) OMA Client Provisioning message is only signed with a network PIN. This setting indicates whether or not the user will be prompted to accept the device setting changes. Possible values are: 0 indicates that the device will prompt the user.1 indicates that the user is not prompted. This is the default. | WM |
network type of <oma csp> | <string> Plural: network types | Returns the current 'network type' policy from the SecurityPolicy Configuration Service Provider. | WM |
obex enabled of <oma csp> | <boolean> Plural: obex enableds | Returns the current 'obex enabled' policy from the SecurityPolicy Configuration Service Provider. This indicates whether or not the phone can exchange binary objects, either by infrared or bluetooth. | WM |
oma cp network pin policy of <oma csp> | <integer> Plural: oma cp network pin policies | Returns the current 'oma cp network personal identification number (PIN)' policy from the SecurityPolicy Configuration Service Provider. This setting indicates whether the OMA network PIN-signed message will be accepted. The message's role bit-mask and the policy's role mask are ANDed together. If the result is non-zero, then the message will be accepted. | WM |
oma cp user network pin policy of <oma csp> | <integer> Plural: oma cp user network pin policies | Returns the current 'oma cp user network personal identification number (PIN)' policy from the SecurityPolicy Configuration Service Provider. This setting indicates whether the OMA user network PIN-signed message will be accepted. The message's role bit-mask and the policy's role mask are ANDed together. If the result is non-zero, then the message will be accepted. | WM |
oma cp user pin policy of <oma csp> | <integer> Plural: oma cp user pin policies | Returns the current 'oma cp user personal identification number (PIN)' policy from the SecurityPolicy Configuration Service Provider. This setting indicates whether the OMA-user PIN or user MAC-signed message will be accepted. The message's role bit-mask and the policy's role mask are ANDed together. If the result is non-zero, then the message will be accepted. | WM |
ota provisioning policy of <oma csp> | <integer> Plural: ota provisioning policies | Returns an integer bit-mask corresponding to the current 'ota provisioning' policy from the SecurityPolicy Configuration Service Provider. This setting indicates which provisioning messages are accepted by the configuration host based on the role bit-maps assigned to the messages. This policy restricts the provisioning messages that come from the Push Router. A specified role bit-mask indicates system administrative privileges are provided to the given mask. | WM |
password required policy of <oma csp> | <integer> Plural: password required policies | Returns an integer corresponding to the current 'password required' policy from the SecurityPolicy Configuration Service Provider. Possible values are:0 indicates that a password is required. This is the default.A value other than 0 indicates that a password is not required. | WM |
privileged applications policy of <oma csp> | <integer> Plural: privileged applications policies | Returns the current 'privileged applications' policy from the SecurityPolicy Configuration Service Provider. This setting indicates which security model has been implemented on the WM device. Possible values are:0 indicates that a two-tier security model is enabled. 1 indicates that a one-tier security model is enabled.Any value other than 1 is treated as 0. | WM |
process xml query <string> of <oma csp> | <string> Plural: process xml queries | This Inspector will take the value passed in <string> and then ask the system to process it. To use it, the value provided must be a valid OMA CSP XML query that is not trying to set a value (only queries are allowed). A typical use is to take the results of the 'construct xml query' Inspector and pass it in as the query string. | WM |
rapi policy of <oma csp> | <integer> Plural: rapi policies | Returns an integer corresponding to the current RAPI (Remote API) policy from the SecurityPolicy Configuration Service Provider.0 indicates that the ActiveSync service is shut down and RAPI calls are rejected. 1 indicates that full access to ActiveSync is provided and RAPI calls are allowed without restrictions. 2 indicates that access to ActiveSync is restricted to the User-Authenticated role. RAPI calls are then checked against this role mask before being granted. | WM |
security policy of <oma csp> | <integer> Plural: security policies | Returns an integer corresponding to the current 'security policy' policy from the SecurityPolicy Configuration Service Provider. | WM |
send caller id of <oma csp> | <integer> Plural: send caller ids | Returns an integer corresponding to the current 'send caller id' policy from the SecurityPolicy Configuration Service Provider. | WM |
service indication message policy of <oma csp> | <integer> Plural: service indication message policies | Returns an integer bit-mask corresponding to the current 'service indication message' policy from the SecurityPolicy Configuration Service Provider. An SI message is sent to WM 6 Standard to notify users of new services and service updates. This setting indicates whether SI messages are accepted in the form of a role bit-mask. | WM |
service loading message policy of <oma csp> | <integer> Plural: service loading message policies | Returns an integer bit-mask corresponding to the current 'service loading message' policy from the SecurityPolicy Configuration Service Provider. An SL message downloads new services to the WM device. This setting indicates whether SL messages are accepted in the form of a role bit-mask. | WM |
sharepoint access policy of <oma csp> | <integer> Plural: sharepoint access policies | Returns an integer corresponding to the current 'sharepoint access' policy from the SecurityPolicy Configuration Service Provider. This setting indicates whether OMA SharePoint or UNC access is enabled through ActiveSync protocol to fetch documents. Possible values are:0 doesn't allow SharePoint or UNC file access.1 allows OMA to fetch documents on a corporate SharePoint site or UNC. | WM |
sl security policy of <oma csp> | <integer> Plural: sl security policies | Returns an integer corresponding to the current 'sl security' policy from the SecurityPolicy Configuration Service Provider. This setting indicates that the operator can override https to use http, or wsps to use wsp. Possible values are: 0 use https or wsps.1 use http or wsp. This is the default value. | WM |
smime encryption algorithm policy of <oma csp> | <integer> Plural: smime encryption algorithm policies | Returns an integer corresponding to the current 'smime encryption algorithm' policy from the SecurityPolicy Configuration Service Provider. This setting indicates which algorithm is used to encrypt a message. Possible values are:0 specifies the default algorithm.1 is an invalid value. 2 specifies the triple DES algorithm. 3 specifies the DES algorithm.4 specifies the RC2 128-bit algorithm.5 specifies the RC2 64-bit algorithm.6 specifies the RC2 40-bit algorithm. | WM |
smime encryption policy of <oma csp> | <integer> Plural: smime encryption policies | Returns an integer corresponding to the current 'smime encryption' policy from the SecurityPolicy Configuration Service Provider. This setting indicates whether the Inbox application will send all messages encrypted.0 all messages must be encrypted.1 encrypting messages is optional. | WM |
smime signing algorithm policy of <oma csp> | <integer> Plural: smime signing algorithm policies | Returns an integer corresponding to the current 'smime signing algorithm' policy from the SecurityPolicy Configuration Service Provider. This setting indicates which algorithm is used to sign a message. Possible values are:0 specifies the default algorithm.1 is an invalid value. 2 specifies the SHA algorithm.3 specifies the MD5 algorithm. | WM |
smime signing policy of <oma csp> | <integer> Plural: smime signing policies | Returns an integer corresponding to the current 'smime signing' policy from the SecurityPolicy Configuration Service Provider. This setting indicates whether the Inbox application will send all messaged signed.0 all messages must be signed.1 signing messages is optional. | WM |
software certificates policy of <oma csp> | <integer> Plural: software certificates policies | Returns an integer corresponding to the current 'software certificates' policy from the SecurityPolicy Configuration Service Provider. This setting indicates whether software certificates can be used to sign outgoing messages. Possible values are: 0 indicates that software certificates cannot be used to sign messages.1 indicates that software certificates can be used to sign messages. This is the default. | WM |
storage card encryption of <oma csp> | <boolean> Plural: storage card encryptions | Returns the current 'storage card encryption' policy from the SecurityPolicy Configuration Service Provider. | WM |
string <string> of <oma csp> | <string> Plural: strings | Returns the result of the specified OMA CSP query as a string value. | WM |
timezone of <oma csp> | <integer> Plural: timezones | Returns an integer corresponding to the current timezone policy from the SecurityPolicy Configuration Service Provider. | WM |
trusted provisioning server policy of <oma csp> | <integer> Plural: trusted provisioning server policies | Returns an integer corresponding to the current 'trusted provisioning server' policy from the SecurityPolicy Configuration Service Provider. Possible values are:0 indicates that assigning TPS role assignment is disabled. 1 indicates TPS role assignment is enabled and the TPS role can be assigned to mobile operators. This is the WM default. | WM |
trusted wap proxy policy of <oma csp> | <integer> Plural: trusted wap proxy policies | Returns an integer bit-map corresponding to the current 'trusted wap proxy' policy from the SecurityPolicy Configuration Service Provider. This setting indicates the level of permissions required to create, modify or delete a trusted proxy. The security roles that can have Trusted WAP Proxy level permissions are returned as a bit-mask. | WM |
unauthenticated message policy of <oma csp> | <integer> Plural: unauthenticated message policies | Returns an integer bit-mask corresponding to the current 'unauthenticated message' policy from the SecurityPolicy Configuration Service Provider. This setting indicates whether to accept unsigned WAP messages processed by the default security provider in the Push Router, based on their origin. The message source must match one of the security roles specified by this policy. This setting indicates whether unauthenticated messages are accepted in the form of a role bit-mask. | WM |
unsigned applications policy of <oma csp> | <integer> Plural: unsigned applications policies | Returns an integer corresponding to the current 'unsigned applications' policy from the SecurityPolicy Configuration Service Provider. The possible values are:0 indicates that unsigned apps are not allowed to run on the device. 1 indicates that unsigned apps are allowed to run on the device. This is the default for WM.Any value other than 1 is treated as 0. | WM |
unsigned cabs policy of <oma csp> | <integer> Plural: unsigned cabs policies | Returns an integer corresponding to the current 'unsigned CABS' policy from the SecurityPolicy Configuration Service Provider. This indicates whether unsigned .cab files can be installed on the device. Possible values are:0 is equivalent to having none of the role mask bits set and indicates that no unsigned .cab files can be installed.A specified role bit-mask indicates accepted unsigned .cab files are installed with the given role mask. | WM |
unsigned prompt policy of <oma csp> | <integer> Plural: unsigned prompt policies | Returns an integer corresponding to the current 'unsigned prompt' policy from the SecurityPolicy Configuration Service Provider. This setting indicates whether a user must be prompted to accept or reject unsigned .exe, theme, .dll or .cab files. Possible values are: 0 indicates that the user will be prompted. This is the WM default.1 indicates that the user will not be prompted. Any value other than 1 is treated as 0. | WM |
unsigned themes policy of <oma csp> | <integer> Plural: unsigned themes policies | Returns an integer corresponding to the current 'unsigned themes' policy from the SecurityPolicy Configuration Service Provider. Possible values are:0 is equivalent to having none of the role-mask bits set, and indicates that no unsigned Theme files can be installed.A specified role bit-mask indicates accepted unsigned Theme files are installed with the given role mask. | WM |
value <string> of <oma csp> | <string> Plural: values | Returns the result of the specified OMA CSP query as a string value. | WM |
wsp push policy of <oma csp> | <integer> Plural: wsp push policies | Returns an integer corresponding to the current 'Wireless Session Protocol (WSP) push' policy from the SecurityPolicy Configuration Service Provider. This setting indicates whether WSP notifications from the WAP stack are routed. Possible values are:0 indicates that routing of WSP notifications is not allowed.1 indicates that Routing is allowed. This is the WM default. | WM |
Declaration | Description | Platforms (?) |
network connection | Returns a global object corresponding to the network connection of the Client Windows Mobile device. | WM |
Declaration | Return type | Description | Platforms (?) |
adapter name of <wince network connection detail> | <string> Plural: adapter names | Returns a string corresponding to the null-terminated name of the adapter for the given WinCE network connection. If no adapter name is available, the Inspector returns NULL. | WM |
description of <wince network connection detail> | <string> Plural: descriptions | Returns a string corresponding to the null-terminated description of the given WinCE network connection. If no adapter name is available, the Inspector returns NULL. | WM |
destination network of <wince network connection detail> | <string> Plural: destination networks | Returns a string containing the GUID of the destination network for the specified WinCE connection. | WM |
flags of <wince network connection detail> | <string> Plural: flagses | Returns a string containing one or more connection options for the specified WinCE network connection. These flags include: billed by time, always on, or suspend and resume. The constants for these flags are explained in greater detail in the MSDN article on the Connection Manager Connection Options Constants. | WM |
ip addresses of <wince network connection detail> | <string> Plural: ip addressess | Returns a string containing the available IP addresses for the specified WinCE network connection. If no addresses are available, this Inspector returns NULL. | WM |
last connected of <wince network connection detail> | <string> Plural: last connecteds | Returns a string containing the last time that the connection was established for the specified WinCE network connection. | WM |
secure of <wince network connection detail> | <boolean> Plural: secures | Returns a boolean describing the security level of the current connection for the specified WinCE network. If TRUE, the connection is secure. | WM |
signal quality of <wince network connection detail> | <integer> Plural: signal qualities | Returns the signal quality of the specified WinCE network connection. This is an integer between 0 and 255, with 255 indicating the best signal quality. | WM |
source network of <wince network connection detail> | <string> Plural: source networks | Returns a string containing the GUID of the source network for the specified WinCE connection. | WM |
status of <wince network connection detail> | <string> Plural: statuses | Returns the status of the specified WinCE network connection. This is a string indicating whether the connection is established, suspended, disconnected, waiting, failed or more. These are explained in greater detail in the MSDN article on the Connection Manager Status Constants. | WM |
type of <wince network connection detail> | <string> Plural: types | Returns the type of the specified WinCE network connection. This is a string indicating a cellular, NIC, Bluetooth, Unimodem, VPN, Proxy or PC connection. These are explained in greater detail in the MSDN article on the Connection Manager Connection Type Constants. | WM |
Declaration | Description | Platforms (?) |
default web browser | Returns a global object corresponding to the WinCE web browser installed on the Client Windows Mobile device. Windows Embedded CE uses IE, which has been optimized for WinCE devices. Example: default web browser - Returns a value such as: "iexplore.exe" "" "" "" "". | WM |
Declaration | Return type | Description | Platforms (?) |
version of <wince_web_browser> | <version> Plural: versions | Returns the version of the current web browser on the Windows CE device. | WM |
Declaration | Description | Platforms (?) |
Declaration | Return type | Description | Platforms (?) |
full life of <base_battery> | <time interval> Plural: full lives | For the specified Windows Mobile battery, this Inspector returns a time interval corresponding to the number of seconds of battery life when at full charge. Base battery is an abstract type that can refer to either the main "battery" or the "backup battery". | WM |
life of <base_battery> | <time interval> Plural: lives | For the specified Windows Mobile battery, this Inspector returns a time interval corresponding to the number of seconds of battery life remaining. Base battery is an abstract type that can refer to either the main "battery" or the "backup battery". | WM |
life percent of <base_battery> | <integer> Plural: life percents | For the specified Windows Mobile battery, this Inspector returns an integer corresponding to the percentage of full battery charge remaining. This is a value in the range 0 to 100. Base battery is an abstract type that can refer to either the main "battery" or the "backup battery". | WM |
millivolts of <base_battery> | <integer> Plural: millivoltses | For the specified Windows Mobile battery, this Inspector returns an integer corresponding to the amount of battery voltage in millivolts (mV). This is a value in the range of 0 to 65,535. Base battery is an abstract type that can refer to either the main "battery" or the "backup battery". | WM |
status of <base_battery> | <string> Plural: statuses | Returns a string corresponding to the current status of the battery. This is one of the following: Charging, High, Low, Critical, No battery or Unknown. Base battery is an abstract type that can refer to either the main "battery" or the "backup battery". | WM |
Declaration | Description | Platforms (?) |
battery | Returns a global object corresponding to the main battery of the Client Windows Mobile device. Example: battery - Returns a value such as: "High" "41" "00:00:00" "00:00:00" "3708" "Offline" "Lithium-ion" "-386" "0" "0" "0" "37". | WM |
Declaration | Return type | Description | Platforms (?) |
ac of <battery> | <string> Plural: acs | Returns a string detailing the AC power status of the specified Windows Mobile device battery. This can include offline, online or backup. For more information, see the MSDN article on SYSTEM_POWER_STATUS_EX. | WM |
average interval of <battery> | <integer> Plural: average intervals | Returns an integer corresponding to the time constant in milliseconds (ms) used for integrating the average battery current in milliamps. | WM |
average milliamps of <battery> | <integer> Plural: average milliampses | Returns an integer corresponding to the short-term average current drain of the Windows Mobile device (in milliamps). This number is in the range of 0 to 32,767 when charging and 0 to 32,768 when discharging. | WM |
chemistry of <battery> | <string> Plural: chemistries | This Inspector returns a string describing the type of chemistry used by the specified Windows Mobile battery. It can include alkaline, nicad, lithium and others. For details, see the MSDN article on SYSTEM_POWER_STATUS_EX2. | WM |
milliamps of <battery> | <integer> Plural: milliampses | Returns an integer corresponding to the instantaneous current drain of the Windows Mobile device (in milliamps). This number is in the range of 0 to 32,767 when charging and 0 to 32,768 when discharging. | WM |
milliamps per hour of <battery> | <integer> Plural: milliamps per hours | Returns an integer corresponding to the long-term cumulative average discharge in milliamperes per hour (mA/H). This number can have a value in the range of 0 to 32,768. This value can be reset by charging or changing the batteries. | WM |
temperature of <battery> | <floating point> Plural: temperatures | For this specified Windows Mobile device battery, this Inspector returns a floating point number corresponding to the battery temperature in degrees Celsius. It can be in the range of 3,276.8 to 3,276.7 in increments of 0.1 degrees Celsius. | WM |
Declaration | Description | Platforms (?) |
gps | Returns a global object corresponding to the gps device in the Client Windows Mobile phone. | WM |
Declaration | Return type | Description | Platforms (?) |
altitude of <gps> | <string> Plural: altitudes | Returns a string containing the altitude (in meters) of the Windows Mobile device, as determined by the onboard GPS. | WM |
enabled of <gps> | <boolean> Plural: enableds | Returns TRUE if the Global Positioning Service (GPS) on the Windows Mobile device is enabled. | WM |
full status of <gps> | <string> Plural: full statuses | Returns a string containing the full status of the Windows Mobile device, as determined by the onboard GPS. It is a concatenation of all the inspectable items, with the general form 'feature: {value} units', each separated by a space. The full string looks like 'Name: {name} Status: {ON/OFF} Last sample time: {sample time} Latitude: {latitude} degrees Longitude: {longitude} degrees Heading: {heading} degrees Speed: {speed} knots Altitude: {altitude} m.'. | WM |
heading of <gps> | <string> Plural: headings | Returns a string containing the heading in degrees (a heading of zero is true north) of the Windows Mobile device, as determined by the onboard GPS. | WM |
latitude of <gps> | <string> Plural: latitudes | Returns a string containing the latitude (in degrees) of the Windows Mobile device, as determined by the onboard GPS. Positive numbers indicate the northern latitudes. | WM |
longitude of <gps> | <string> Plural: longitudes | Returns a string containing the longitude (in degrees) of the Windows Mobile device, as determined by the onboard GPS. Positive numbers indicate east longitudes. | WM |
name of <gps> | <string> Plural: names | Returns a string containing the human-readable name of the embedded GPS of the Windows Mobile device. It might, for example, be something like 'Acme GPS Card, version 3.4.'. | WM |
sample time of <gps> | <time> Plural: sample times | Returns a time value containing the current sample time used by the onboard GPS of the Windows Mobile device. | WM |
speed of <gps> | <string> Plural: speeds | Returns a string containing the speed (in knots) of the Windows Mobile device, as determined by the onboard GPS. | WM |